Thursday, December 8, 2022


 Rereading this one was one of the best ideas. 

Siri was the left over princess, but suddenly she is the most important person in two kingdoms. Instead of Vivenna, the important sister the perfect princesses, Siri is chosen to marry the Godking to stop a war. Thrown into unknown politics and told she isn't supposed to even talk to her new husband, Siri is extremely over her head. Vivenna knows how out of her depths Siri is and goes to to save her, but now her only contact is dying of a horrible sickness and she is now on her own. Vasher is also in town with his own reasons to get into people's business. 

The characters in this story are amazing. I think the growth that the main characters go through and how drastically they can change when circumstances require it, shows the reader that we can all do hard things, things we never believed we could ever do--I'm especially looking at you Vivenna. 

The magic system is unlike any I've seen anywhere else and there are so many possibilities. To have your magic powered by your Breath and the colors around you is ingenious. As for all of Brandon's magic systems, it is extremely well thought out and although it takes us a while to get a full description of what potentially could happen (as opposed to Mistborn which gives us the explanation right up front) we get the jist of it enough to not have us be totally lost. I very much appreciate the rules being laid out and having hard and fast rules as opposed to other books with magic where it takes a few nonsensical words of "Power," a wiggle of the fingers, and some form of intent and absolutely anything or nothing can happen. Those other kinds of magic systems seem cheaper to me and can get the writer out of situations they otherwise wouldn't be able to logically get themselves out of. For Breath and it's magic systems, there are rules that can't be broken and yet also many facets that help them to do amazing things. They are tools used for many ways but there are still impossibilities that must be worked around. It's good, thought-out worldbuilding which I very much enjoy. 

The first time I read the book (this is my second), I thought that the ending happened too quickly, that maybe there could have been another chapter or three to elongate the suspense. However, upon this second reading, I enjoyed it so much more and the ending, although somewhat abrupt, didn't feel like it wasn't warranted. Each of the characters got their moments of doing something great--Lightsong you will forever be in my heart--and empowering which end up changing what will be happening in the future for the world and off-world for the Cosmere as a whole. 

I know that Brandon is going to write a sequel to this story, and while he's had this one out for well over a decade, I believe he's "close" to starting this next project. Brandon writes fast and consistently so we won't be waiting for it never to happen (which happens for other writers where their series' go unfinished). It might take another few years, but all of Brandon's readers are eagerly await for the next Warbreaker book. 

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