Jane Ellsworth can manipulate folds from the ether and can do it as any fine, accomplished woman can do, though she has a bit more talent than most. However, she is older, not as pretty as her younger sister, and slowly accepting her spinsterhood.
The neighborhood is excited for the famous glamorist who is taking up a job at the Viscountess' home to glamor her home. He is amazing at his craft, being able to bring the outside indoors complete with birds, a babbling brook, and nymphs hidden in the woods all in the Viscountess' drawing room. Not only is the new glamorist in town, but the Viscountess' favorite nephew is here as well, stealing the hearts of many of the towns girls; and Mr. Dunkirk's younger sister has come for a visit. So many people have come that it throws everything into a happy chaos full of balls and growing friendships.
There are a lot of similarities to Jane Austen's work. The time period, the romances, and aura. Kowal did a good job mimicking and giving the experience of an Austen novel. The magic was a great twist and well explained as the story went on. It fit well into the setting that she produced. I rather enjoyed it and am excited to read on.
I do have two problems though. It is very much like Jane Austen, probably too much so. I have read all of the novels she produced and there are many, many instances and characters that are unnervingly similar to Austen's work. <<SPOILERS>> Melody reminds me very much of Lydia Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth are practically Mr. and Mrs. Bennett with all the cases of nerves and toying with the nerves, Jane reminded me over a mixture of Jane Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett, Beth is a type of Georgiana Darcy with troubled pasts of boys, and Mr. Vincent is our Mr. Darcy, of course. They had events from Emma and plot of Pride and Prejudice and others. I don't appreciate that as much as some. If I want to read the plot of P&P I'll read P&P. (Though Mr. Bennett is one of my favorite characters and it was fun to see him in another place.) <<End of SPOILERS>> I wanted this to be different.
Oh, and number two, the ending. There was good and bad about the ending. Much like above, it ended like a JA book would with the main character and her beau getting together and a quick, omniscient conclusion. It is expected and I'm okay with it. I'm not okay with kisses and embraces. Normally it is expected, but if we were going for historical propriety, kisses and embraces don't happen. The British at this time didn't hug or kiss on the lips, especially in public, because it was an improper display of affection. You didn't do it, even if no one was watching. Or if you did, you'd be ridiculed and seen as a Mr. Wickham/Lydia Bennett. A reputation, especially the girls, would be tainted so fast. So while it is nice in a modern America, it wouldn't have happened. (I blame this response on my JA Professor in college and her making mention/lecture on how although Persuasion did a fantastic job in a portrayal of the novel, the kiss at the end wouldn't have happened, as I explained above.)
Oh, and his words to Jane at the end were rather cheesy. Not a "squee" cheesy, but "oh, that is dripping in cheese there; probably too much."
I go on about dislikes, but I really did enjoy the novel. The conversation and the happening were well done. It was well paced and had good foreshadowing. I could have easily read this in two or three days (except I got super busy at my house so it took a tad longer). It was fast. It was enjoyable to have a sweet romance with dashes of fantasy in it. You don't get that often in many fantasy novels. Often it is the other way around, where the magics are the focus and the romance is in the background. I plan on reading the next four books.
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