Monday, March 2, 2020

Arcanum Unbounded

 Arcanum Unbounded is a compilation of short stories and novellas written by Brandon Sanderson about his Cosmere Universe.

Compiled by Khriss, a worldhopper from the Taldain System (White Sand graphic novel series), Arcanum Unbounded are some of the documents from the many Cosmere planets that give background, world building, character development. While they aren't dire, at this point in time to read them all alongside the major series, they are enlightening and a joy to read. 

Through reading these, I've discovered that my favorite story that Brandon has produced so far is Misborn: Secret History which has major spoilers for the Mistborn series (for both Era 1 and 2, read them first before you read Secret History otherwise you'll be vastly disappointed). But it is my favorite because Kelsier is amazing, Fuzz makes me cry, and Ruin is a major nasty piece of work but such an interesting character. 

As I said before, it is a compilation of stories of : 
The Selish System
The Scadrian System 
The Taldain System
  • White Sand (an excerpt of the graphic novel and an excerpt from the written, rough draft version, which I like better than the graphic novel version)
The Threnodite System
and The Rosharan System
These are very good books that I highly recommend reading. If you haven't read any of the Cosmere series (which I suggest you rectify quickly) many of these stores are good to read as a standalone, except Misborn Secret History and Hope of Elantris. The rest could be enjoyed on their own without any hiccups or misunderstandings. My only other suggestion would be to read White Sand completely with the other volumes in the series to help things make sense, though for the excepts you'd be fine as a jumping off point for further reading. (For the rest of the written story of White Sand you can go onto and become a part of their newsletter and be able to ask for the link for the whole story. I've yet to be able to do it myself as my life isn't always free of craziness, but it's something I plan to indeed do in the future.)  

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