This is a short story based off of the happenings in Brandon Sanderson's book called Elantris. The copy I found was in the Archanum Unbound book which has many of the short stories and novellas that are associated with the Cosmere.
The reasoning behind this short story was really cute. A young Brandon Sanderson was dating a teacher (his now wife) who had a student do a book report on Elantris and it impressed the new author greatly. He, knowing that the kids in would need to be taken care of in Elantris when the climax of the story begins but not being able to put it into the story because of pacing issues, placed a young girl (with the name of the fan) in the story to help the kids get to safety.
It is a very short story, but it was cute and I think the background of it made it just that much better.
On to more Cosmere books!
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