Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Revelations in Context

A book in the published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Revelations in Context gives background stories and circumstances behind the Sections, or chapters, in the book Doctrine and Covenants.

There are many wonderful, insightful, and helpful sections and scripture verses in the D&C. It explains many doctrines that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want and need in the Church to help it function. This book give context to those revelations and more background to the people they were given to.

Each specific chapter in this book is written by a different person. Individual historians have studied and produced a simplified explanation behind what was going on at the time these revelations were given. They've dung into historical record and letters to get the true stories behind the questions asked. In each section heading of the D&C, we are given a brief explanation as to what is going on, this gives a much deeper, yet still simple, understanding of the circumstances the early Saints and pioneers faced.

I think it is a good reminder that Revelation comes step by step, little by little, here and there as we ask for it and as God deems us ready for it. There are times when people aren't ready for the changes that need to be made, so time is taken, challenges and trials are given, so then people may be ready. Some changes may seem stark and abrupt, other changes we might see if we are attuned and diligently study the works and scriptures and doctrines we are given.

It is an intersting read and if you're wanting to dig into history a bit, read on.

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