None of the Prince Charmings are the same person. Didn't everyone know that? They have names. Liam, the dashing hero who saved Sleeping Beauty from the evil fairy/dragon. Gustav, the large, strong man who rescued Rapunzel from the evil witch and freed her from the tower. Duncan, who's kiss awake Snow White. And Frederic who searched the land looking for Cinderella. Also what you don't know is that Liam does not like Sleeping Beauty's attitude. Gustav gets made fun of for falling out of the tower and having to be saved by Rapunzel when he goes blind. Duncan is odd and has no friends. And Frederic has practically never set foot outside of the castle and is afraid of practically everything.
Cinderella decides to go off on an adventure to find the countries missing bard, because life is too tame in Frederic's castle. Frederic, not wanting her to be hurt, follows slowly and tries to track her down. Frederic ends up running into all of these other Princes Charming on his quest to find his fiance. But then only realize too late that she has been kidnapped by the witch who held Rapunzel captive for so long. This witch is sick of being made fun of by those lyrical bards and always singing her as the bad guy and giving her a bad reputation. She will put a stop to all of these heroes.
This is a very comical book full of archetypal tropes turned on their heads. The Princes Charming are so much more than they appear. It is funny and a really light hearted read, even though the witch was planning on killing a lot of people. *shrugs* It is very much the basic hero's journey in plot, very much a heroes journey in tale too, but that is to be expected. Look at the title. I enjoyed the characters and the twist that Christopher Healy gave them. I love the fact that Cinderella is the most adventurous, next to Liam, because she her archetype is one of submissiveness whereas here it is so not the case.
The reprise of this story was just fun!
This is a book I'd suggest for a boy who is wanting a fun book to read. Girls can enjoy it too, but I find that it is harder for parents to find engaging books for their sons. This is one that I think they would enjoy and have fun with.
I enjoyed it and am excited for the next two books.