Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Hadi Girl

Hadi Girl is really cute. If you are looking for a short, cute story to maybe get you out of a funk, this is a good suggestion.

Hadi Girl is about a super shy girl who is easily embarrassed. She can't even watch two characters kiss on a movie without having to hide her face. One night a love angel and an egg pop into her room and she is given tasks to do and complete otherwise she will never find love. These tasks start out simple (hugging someone or looking at someone for 10 seconds), but then escalate from there (stepping into a boys bedroom, confessing her love). For most people it wouldn't be too difficult though some might be challenging, but for Kagura Sae, it is torture. However as she completes the challenges with one boy who ends up being her helper (though he is unaware of it) she actually starts falling for him and she starts doing the tasks because she wants to instead of being forced to.

Ahhh, cute! I really enjoy these little romantic comedies. This is a shorter manga (about 30 chapters/5 volumes) and so it was a quick pick me up from the heavier book I'm trying to read.

Kagura-san is a different character than is normally depicted. Most of the time anime girls are seen as ditzy or super brazen or simply kind or plain simple, but they are hardly seen as just shy, let alone brutally shy. This was different and goes to show that you can push through your weaknesses to get what you want. She was willing to face her fears and work through it.

I did find that it was harder to get my hands on. There was no physical copy anywhere here in the US that I could see (through my library anyway). But if you are interested you can find it on the app called "MyShelf." They have a great selection there.

P.S. A shout out to David for the suggestion.

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