A Drop of Night is about a group of supposedly super smart teens being whisked away to France so they can explore this super amazing house and the untouched underground labyrinth under it.
They spend a lot of time getting there and introducing characters. But what really dragged for me, which had the potential of being done awesomely, was that it jumped between "present day" time and "French Revolution" time. The house's labyrinth was built to keep away the revolutionaries and keep the nobles safe. Makes sense, yes? But why ask teens to go down first? Why the mystery and cloak/dagger-ness of their host? (These questions are addressed in the beginning, but not expounded upon.)
Suddenly their host goes berserk, they wake up in the labyrinth under the house, and one of them gets insta-killed. Why? Because... They run away from their host and his associates further in the maze and almost get beheaded like they do in the movie Ghost Ship--all wires moving really fast. Then suddenly there is a zombie/ghost dude walking about and mention-ish of a demon thing that took over the original owners mind... or something. I don't even know. Or really care.
Supposed to be good, but I couldn't find the wanting to keep reading. 100 pages before getting down there and another 50 of jumping times was annoying. The shifting between times gave no real tension. It was all super high tension and no relief to let us breath. It reminded me of the book series Maximum Ride by James Patterson. SO much jumping. Too much jumping with chapters sometimes not even two pages long. That's okay if there are longer chapters for most of the book, but when most of them are maybe three pages... It feels like all I'm doing is turning pages, not actually reading anything.
Overall, I didn't care for it. Characters were wanting. All the boys were pretty much the same personality from what I could gather or they were stereotypes. I didn't care for them at all. I'd probably read it to see who died in it, but not much more than that. I'm not going to be picking it up again. Sorry, but blah.
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