Thursday, March 9, 2017

Shadows of Self

Can I just say "Poor Wax, can't the guy get a break?" The things writers put their characters through--I'm guilty as well in this.

Shadows of Self is the sequel to Alloy of Law. In the Mistborn: Era II series by Brandon Sanderson, we follow Wax and Wayne, constables in the large city of Elendal as they hunt down a mysterious figure who killed many more than a handful of corrupt Lords and Ladies. But as they continue on in this investigation then kandra make their debut and change things dramatically in their hunt, though Wax feels more like the prey because their villain is always three steps ahead of them.

I loved this book. The characters are so well developed and Sanderson takes us back, in reference, to other characters that have long since died but were part of the first Mistborn series. Harmony is funny and I'm glad he's been able to stick around from the first series because I always enjoyed seeming him progress. If he can progress as Harmony too, I'd be really interested to see that. They are all so human. They have their quirks; they have their ticks; they have their faults. And I love them all. Well maybe not Steris at this point, but I've been told that I will love her. So we will happily go to book three as soon as I can get my hands on one. :D

It is so hard to go from reading a Brandon Sanderson novel to anything else. It all seems to so childish and unfinished, not quite as polished--even those authors who have written many books and have the experience.

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