I'm normally not one for biography or non-fiction in general because often times they come across as dry, stuffy, and full of simply lists and dates and are presented one right after another in paragraph after paragraph. But this biography of Eliza R. Snow was well done.
Eliza was born in 1804 in Massachusetts and became a prominent member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She was a force to be reckoned with. Later known as "Zion's Poetess" because of her amazing ability to use words. Her poetry is beautiful. I try, but I have the hardest time with any type of meter. So I commend her wholeheartedly for her ability.
It is a small book and I know there are a few major points in her life, that were horrendous that the authors didn't include. I'm assuming because Eliza didn't write about it herself, as I'm sure it was hard to relive through words.
But there was a lot of things about her that I didn't know. I hadn't done much research on her previously and this was my first step into understanding the woman who became that 2nd General Relief Society President. She wrote thousands of poems on the circumstances and people around her. They were amazing too. She was also someone who wouldn't step down from what she believed. Being a plural wife to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young after Joseph died. She was an advocate for women's rights and plural marriage as God directed it.
The most well known poem that she wrote "O My Father," which is given and is in the LDS hymnal. But they also give the circumstances behind why she wrote it. (You should check it out.)
While I learned a lot about her and I'd love to talk to her, the most inspiring part to me was her dedication to the church and her writing. She promised God that if she could have the truth confirmed to her she would use her writing to further God's work. She got that confirmation and changed from using pen names for the work she got published to using her own name. She used her talents to further do what she could for her God. And that is what we should all be doing. And we did it so well, so very well!
I would definitely suggest reading this book. I want to get her whole collection of poems and written works. The bits of her poetry that were in this book were beautiful and I would love to read more.
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