Friday, September 30, 2016

Fallen Kingdoms

Fallen Kingdoms let me down. I had been waiting eagerly to read this book for months now and by the time I got half way done with it, I was dreading reading it. And what is really sad is that this isn't just a debut novel. Morgan Rhodes is a pen name for Michelle Rowen and she has lots of different books (paranormal romance stuff that I'm not touching). I was extremely disappointed.

The idea behind it was a good one, but it was executed extremely poorly in my opinion. The cover art is pretty and is what has drawn me into these books. But who is this guy in the white cloak? There is no reference or anything about him.

The characters I believe were developed poorly. Many of them died throughout the course of the book and I didn't care. The major love interest in the book was weak (which is sad from the paranormal romance novelist). It happened so quickly and, as I said, weakly. There was no twitterpated feeling in my chest for the characters. I didn't care for the guy at all, he was actually kind of annoying. It feels like there was no reason why they were in love to begin with except for the guy to kill him and maybe feel bad about it later (which I don't actually think he does.) Then there is the whole brother loves sister (who isn't really his sister) thing which I was done with when I read City of Bones. The idea that I love her but can't have her but love her.... Ugh... I even was able to call who the next love interests will be (taking a sneak peak at the coming books on their blurbs on the back of the books).

The dialogue between characters was childish. They may be sixteen to eighteen years old, but they are royalty where they are taught, supposedly, how how to act nobly, it is not shown here. Not in the least bit. I think their bantering is supposed to be witty and... something, but it's just not. It's juvenile, even for YA. There is no change of voice between characters. It's all the same, flat, monotone "witty" bantering from one character to the next. And what's worse is that everyone of the characters has the same dry wit. It got boring really fast, but just kept going.

There was also a lot of bedroom talk. Not steamy stuff, but "come into my bedroom," or "his lover," "her lover," "let me give you more experience." Again, childish dialogue.

The setting was faulty and was lacking.

The book was very predictable and not in a good foreshadow kind of way. We knew what was going to happen long before any of the characters did. It took adults forever to realize they were being had and were about to be betrayed. Like knife had already cut into his throat before he realized.

And don't get me started on the throats/necks that were cut. If Rhodes described anyone getting killed it was always gorey, in-your-face---er---neck. Knives, daggers, and swords constantly in their neck with blood spraying on your face or the characters decapitating the enemies. There are other ways to kill people you know, even if they have armor on. I think this could be a close rivalry between J.R.R.Martins books for who's going to die next--except I've heard that his you can't predict nearly so often.

I don't think I'm going to read any more. If I do, it will be a long time from now when I have nothing better to read. (I have lots of better stuff to read.)

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