Monday, December 28, 2015

Well of Ascension

This is the second time finishing the Well of Ascension and, boy, was it worth it. There is so much I had forgotten but was very valuable to the story.

I remember reading this the first time around and thinking it being a very politically driven book. One that I could just skip through in order to get to the fighting or more interesting dialog--that was also a few years ago before I became a better reader. Now, my opinion has grown.

This story does have a lot of politics in it as Elend and the members of the crew, now that the Lord Ruler is dead, have to keep the city functioning and to keep the people from starving. But there is much more to this story. Vin has to find her place inside herself. Is she a girl who likes pretty dresses, a Mistborn who is a knife for Elend's Empire, a Mistborn like Kelsier? How is she supposed to compile all of these different parts of her into whoever she is? And it's not just Vin who gets a dose of growth, Elend has become King, but doesn't ask like it and must learn what makes a leader.

There is also a new metal found that helps Vin in many tight spaces. But does that mean there are more out there?

New characters make their debut. A friend for Sazed. A Mistborn who could be more dangerous than simply trying to kill her. A lady that is more aware of emotions than Breeze is. So many fun characters that throw some of our favorites for a loop at times.

As not one or two but three armies attack the new kingdom, they have to find a way to defend themselves. There are over 40,000 invaders, half of which are nearly impossible to kill large blue giants called the Koloss. Alongside an imposter in their ranks, but who is it?

Though the most troubling of all could be the mists. They are acting strangely. Staying longer in the day. Are they the cause of why people are being killed for no reason? Vin starts seeing things in the mists. Is she going crazy like the logbook writer?

This book was written in the fantastic way Brandon Sanderson does. He wrote the inner turmoil that Vin has accurately to someone who is trying to find themselves. It did take me a little longer to read than the other books I've gotten through, but that was not the books fault (ending school and the Christmas holidays got me sidetracked from reading). But I do love these books.