Tuesday, December 13, 2016

White Sand


Reading White Sand a second time with the next Volume of the series in my hand, I enjoyed this book so much more. The flow and development of everything was so much better.

In a world of only dark or only light, the Sand Masters have control of the sand. To them, manipulating it is their way of life. To Kenton, it is a way to prove to his father that he isn't screw-up. After completing a very difficult task and at the advancement ceremony, the Sand Masters are attacked and most of them are betrayed and slaughtered. Kenton is the only one, as far as he's aware, that makes it out alive. Enter, Duchess Khrissalla who finds him and travels with him to the city where he can call on the city counsel for aide. But Khriss had secrets of her own as well as her own agendas. 

This second reading, and having read a lot more comics and graphic novels recently, put me in the frame of mind for a novel of this sort. This story is different from Brandon's other work because of the genre it is based in, so take that as you will. Some, like in my first read, may not appreciate it for what it is though it is well done. 

The world is actually very well developed and the cultural misunderstandings that might bog down a regular novel are easily bypassed through the simplicity of the genre it is displayed in. 

The character development, especially with the 2nd Volume in hand, flows much more easily than I originally have it credit for and they really are just well done. I love Khriss, she is fantastic. If you are going to read it,  which I suggest you do, have at least the second volume ready to read after. They work well and need to be read together. 

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