In the first of a four part Lunar Chronicles series (the fourth, Winter coming out on November 15, 2015), Cinder is the story of a cyborg Cinderella. Now before you get turned off to the book thinking: "Cyborg? Why would I want to read that? And Cinderella? How could she pull that off?" Give the awesomeness that is Cinder a chance.
This book is very different from the original Grimm story and even the Disney movie from the 1950's. Cinder starts out her journey in a futuristic New Beijing, China not rural France. She is a mechanic instead of maid, an android friend instead of mice, and not all of her stepsisters are nasty. There is a plague that has killed many on this futuristic Earth and people live on the moon. The Moon Queen is a piece of work with almost fairy like powers--pixie too the max. Our Prince Charming is none other than Prince Kai who is caring and sweet and is trying to figure out how to save his country.
Cinder is far more of a real person in my opinion than in almost all of the renditions of Cinderella, besides the 2015 version that Disney came out with. Her character development isn't necessarily the biggest in this novel but in later books she grows tremendously and it's fun to see how she grows.
I tell everyone to read this book because it's fun, although predictable in some places. She is Cinderella-but-better after all.
If you are also a fan of audio books, the reader--I believe it is Rebecca Soler--has a great voice and brings the characters to life and has fun with it.
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